Adamstown Heights
Cardiff Heights

Five Star Family Day Care has child care vacancies in Kotara, Adamstown Heights, Cardiff Heights & Charlestown. Flexible, affordable, and caring service.

Registered Educators in these areas

Email our Educators to enquire about upcoming vacancies 

Leila Ferdosiyan

0434 169 305
Sunshine Smiles Family Day Care

Available January 2025
1x Tuesday

2 x Friday


Hours: 8:00am – 5:30pm

Sunshine Smiles Family Day Care offers professional child care for children aged 5 months to 5 years. Our core values include autonomy, creativity and respect. We provide a clean, cognitively dynamic environment for your child to thrive and grow, at affordable prices that won’t break the budget.

Our daily routines and weekly programs are personally tailored to your child’s needs, helping them achieve their very best.

We provide an interactive environment that develops your child’s social and cognitive skills. In addition to this, daily stimulating. and challenging activities develop your child’s imagination and creativity.

Jade Hepburn

0407 964 028

Available NOW
1 x Friday

Available January 2025
1 x Friday

Hours: 7:00am – 5:00pm

Jade has 20 years of experience in Family Day Care.

Her approach is simple: she provides a stimulating and challenging environment where children can learn and grow.

This includes a fantastic range of experiences both indoors and outdoors, such as creative art, music, dance, dramatic play, bikes, sandpit, beams, water play, and much more.

Most of all, we love to have fun!

Kim Wheeler​

Adamstown Heights

Kim is an experienced educator with 26 years of service.

She is conveniently located near Westfield Kotara, Charlestown, and Newcastle.

Kim offers a loving, warm environment with many opportunities for children to learn and grow.

She provides care for children over 12 months of age.

Brooke Baker

Cardiff Heights

Hours: 8:00am – 5:00pm

My service is located close to John Hunter Hospital and the Lookout Road bypass.

Care is available for children of all ages, including infants.

My Family Day Care area is in a newly built, separate space from the main house, ensuring that the children have their own yard and amenities.