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At Super sprouts this month there is a focus on MESSY play.

The children have shown an interest in messy play over the last few weeks. They are loving the opportunity to explore, experiment and discover the true meaning of messy play.

Eve together with Linda run Super Sprouts FDC, they have identified that the children were having a growing interest in art and craft and messy play so they have decided to program this month as MESSY MARCH to extend on their interests.

During a home visit it was wonderful to see a group of two year olds sitting down on a large piece of textured cardboard with paint pots and brushes.What happened next was interesting to watch. Some children started dotting the cardboard with paint, while one started painting their feet, legs and hands. One of the children sat back and watched the other children taking everything in. The direction of the activity was completely child lead.

After the paint the children went to the hose to wash of the paint and clean themselves up, which again proved another experience completely child lead. Sam took control of the hose and hosed everyone’s feet (not to mention clothes). Hardian and Rylan saw the water on the grass and immediately started jumping in the puddle which produced a wonderful mud puddle. It was great to see Linda their educator stand back and allow the wonderful experience and learning take place. This empowered the children and allow them to respected and capable.

These children were able to achieve so many learning outcomes during my home visit. Some of the outcomes were

Learning Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity

  • Children feel safe, secure, and supported.

  • They demonstrate a sense of belonging and comfort in their environment.

  • They were able to establish and maintain respectful, trusting relationships with other children and their educator.

Children develop their emerging autonomy, inter-dependence, resilience and sense of agency.

  • Linda was able to promote children’s sense of belonging, connectedness and wellbeing throughout this activity.

  • She maintained a high expectations of each child’s capabilities giving them the opportunity to learn and discover.

  • She empowered the children.

Learning Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners

Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity

  • They expressed wonder and interest in their outdoor environment.

  • They were curious and enthusiastic participants in their learning.

  • They used play to investigate, imagine and explore ideas.

  • They followed and extend on their own interests with enthusiasm, energy and concentration.

  • They initiated and contributed to play experiences emerging from their own ideas.

  • They participated in a variety of rich and meaningful inquiry-based experiences throughout the morning.

Congratulations to Linda and Eve on providing a rich and meaningful FDC learning environment for children to reach their potential.

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